Personal Training

Here at Hustle Galway, we specialise in One-to-One Personal Training, and we pride ourselves on the high quality of service that we provide to all our clients. Flash Sale - 8 Pts for €200
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Understanding that Personal Training is a means to an overall better quality of life is key for our coaches. Our aim is to create confidence and to help you feel like the very best version of yourself.
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Understanding that Personal Training is a means to an overall better quality of life is key for our coaches. Our aim is to create confidence and to help you feel like the very best version of yourself.
Our coaches take the pressure off you by providing the structure and accountability you need to achieve your goals.

The Process

From the moment you walk in the door, our coaches will welcome you in and help to make you feel as at home as possible. We have created a very relaxed environment to make the initial steps as easy for you as possible. You’ll be shown around the entire facility by a coach which is a great opportunity to see our top of the range equipment firsthand.
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Our next step will be to find out a bit more about you and why you have chosen Personal Training, which will be done during a relaxed and private consultation with your coach. Providing as much detail as possible regarding your goals, needs, and previous experience will be essential for your coach to create the most specific program for you as possible.
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Our next step will be to find out a bit more about you and why you have chosen Personal Training, which will be done during a relaxed and private consultation with your coach. Providing as much detail as possible regarding your goals, needs, and previous experience will be essential for your coach to create the most specific program for you as possible.
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After the Consultation your coach will book you in for your sessions around times that suit you, and then the training begins!
why choose galway

Why Choose a Hustle Personal Trainer?

Our coaches understand how hard and intimidating it is to get started during those initial stages of joining a gym or returning to training after time off.
We all began with zero knowledge and having that empathy and understanding is something that helps us to create such good rapports with anyone who chooses our PT service. We have absolutely no ego’s when it comes to coaching and training.
why choose galway
Our coaches are constant and consistent learners within the fitness industry and possess the most up to date knowledge available. Their goal is to impart as much of that knowledge onto you to make your experience with us as beneficial as possible.
Make your body incredible by signing up to train with us

What Our Coaches Can Help You With

If you are a total beginner who has never been in a gym before, or someone who has trained for years but needs a fresh start, we are here to help.

Our coaches are currently working with clients looking to achieve an abundance of different goals like:
Weight Loss
Building Strength
If you are a total beginner who has never been in a gym before, or someone who has trained for years but needs a fresh start, we are here to help.

Our coaches are currently working with clients looking to achieve an abundance of different goals like:
Sports Specific Training
Overall Lifestyle Change
We do not provide a ‘magic pill’, but we can give you the tools needed to achieve whatever goals you have in mind.

Our Personal Training Most Frequently Asked Questions

How long are the sessions?
Our Personal Training sessions last anywhere from 45 – 60 minutes per session.
How many should I do per week?
Two to three sessions per week can be a really good starting point, but this can vary on the individual. Your coach will advise this to you during the consultation process.
Is Personal Training worth it?
Like anything in life, you get out exactly what you put into it. Our coaches can guide and assist you all the way but at the end of the day your own effort will determine your results.
How much does Personal Training Cost at Hustle Galway?
4 PT Sessions for €200 or 12 PT Sessions for €375.
Achieve your fitness goals by signing up for Personal Training
What our Personal Training Clients Are Saying:
Our Coaches are ready to help you achieve your goals and kickstart your journey
Fill out the form and we will contact you shortly
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